
Now is God's Time for the Muslim World!

  • Awesome things happen through prayer

    More and more prayer for Muslims is stirring worldwide and God is moving in miraculous ways because of it. More Muslims have come to Christ in the last 14 years than in the last 1400 years! Now is the time to pray. Thank you for praying.

  • Why Pray?

    Samuel Zwemer, an experienced practitioner and Christian scholar on Islam, said, "The history of missions is the history of answered prayer" As we stand together in solidarity, our prayers can give strength and encouragement as well as produce fruit One of our workers said, "knowing that people were walking alongside us through their faithful prayers lifted us up in the times when we face utter discouragement. Knowing we were never alone carried us through to the end." So what are you waiting for?

  • Prayer Points

    Pray with Frontiers New Zealand for more labourers to be raised up for the harvest (Matt. 9:36-38). We need more workers and teams to go to more peoples and places.

    That the Holy Spirit would pave the way for the good news to be received and that the word of God would speed ahead and be honoured (2 Thess. 3:1).

    For all teams to find 'people of peace'.

    For teams to be able to deal with and endure emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual hardships and to feel God's comfort and provision.

    For extended visas and new visas enabling more workers into countries, and others to continue their ongoing ministries.

    For strong, healthy teams, that care well for one another.

    Jesus for Muslims